Displaying results 21 to 30 of 59.
Our program
Our program Research Realising innovation Infections and their sequelae continue to account for one in five deaths worldwide. In this context, emerging and recurrent pathogens, chronic infections, as well as increasing resistance to approved drugs, continue…
NUM Local Coordination Units (LCU) of the Network of University Medicine (NUM) Providing patients with optimal care, preventing infections and expanding healthcare is the mission statement of the Network of University Medicine (NUM), which was founded in…
Field of research
Field of research Research Individualized medicine Medicine has always strived to understand the specifics of each patient in order to provide the best possible individualized treatment. In this context, it has become increasingly clear in recent years that…
COVID-19 Patient Cohort
COVID-19 Patient Cohort Understanding individual risk and predictability of severe COVID-19 CiiM is involved in the establishment of a COVID-19 patient cohort. The project, led by Prof. Dr. Thomas Illig from the Hannover Unified Biobank (MHH), is funded by…
SARS-CoV-2 Research
SARS-CoV-2 Research Forschung SARS-CoV-2 Research The research groups at CiiM are collaborating to address various current issues in SARS-CoV-2 research. The very diverse clinical histories suggest that a mixture of epidemiological, genetic, and…
Selected projects
Selected projects Research On the way to individualized infection medicine In various projects, the research groups of CiiM, but also groups of HZI, MHH and TWINCORE are dedicated to different questions in the field of infection medicine and lay important…
Organisation About us The Structure of the CiiM The CiiM is a joint scientific institution (§ 36 NHG) formed by the founding partners HZI and MHH and was established in 2015 with the signing of a Letter of Intent. The basic principles of the collaboration…