Header Research Lab Yang Li

Computational Biology for Individualised Medicine

Infections are among the biggest threats to health and the most significant causes of death worldwide. Our aim is to reveal the host genetic risk factors and their downstream molecular pathways, which are crucial to make progress in understanding and treating infectious diseases in an individualised manner as well as to improve the identification of patients at risk. The department of the HZI is part of the developing CiiM and currently housed at the TWINCORE in Hannover.

Our group currently has 6 PhD students and 5 postdocs.

Students and postdocs – We are always looking for bright and enthusiastic students and postdocs (funded by e.g. the ERC starting grant). For more about our projects, please contact us by email.

Prof Dr Yang Li


Prof Dr Yang Li
CiiM Director - CiiM

Research focus

The research group “Computational Biology for Individualized Infection Medicine” studies the interaction of genetic background and environment, and its contribution to infection and immune-related diseases.

We focus on applying and developing the computational and statistical approaches to study the effect of genetic factors on a variety of molecular levels (such as genetics, genomics, metabolomics etc.), immunological parameters and functions, and complex diseases.

Our aim is to reveal the host genetic risk factors and their downstream molecular pathways as well as to improve the identification of at-risk patients, which are crucial to make progress in understanding and treating infectious diseases in an individualized manner.